There are currently 4 supermarkets which will deliver groceries to Tattershall Lakes, these are:
Asda (Boston)
Tesco (Boston)
Morrisons (Lincoln)
Sainsburys (Lincoln for delivery although there is a small Sainsburys in Woodhall Spa if you want to go into store and pick up some items)
If you do find more (or discover that one is no longer offering this service) please let us know and we will add/remove them to/from this list.
How to order groceries to be delivered to your pitch
First you will need to register for an account with your preferred supermarket, if you already have an account simply log in.
Pick your shopping as you normally do online, then when the website asks for the delivery address put in the following address:
Tattershall Lakes Country Park
If there is an additional comments box input your pitch address, if you are staying in one of our mini lodges at Tattershall Lakes the pitch address for each mini lodge are below:
Osprey Rise 7
Gibson Close 15
The Avenue 11
Fishing Lake 59
Fishing Lake 61
Also ensure you provide a mobile number, often the driver will call you when they are on site to confirm the pitch address, the drivers should be familiar with this process and should not require detailed directions, however feel free to send them a link to our version of the site map at the link below with has all 4 of our mini lodge locations marked.
Links to the supermarkets can be found below:
There are also CO-OP stores in Tattershall village and also one in Coningsby, there is also a Sainsburys in Woodhall Spa too and a CO-OP too which opens later that the other 2 stores in Coningsby and Tattershall (which close around 1600hrs on a Sunday).
Keywords: Supermarkets deliver to Tattershall, groceries delivered at Tattershall.
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